Wednesday, 22 July 2020

what's the difference between Crocodile and an Alligator?

well crocodile's they look blackish greenish  and alligator's look light green and they have a u shaped mouth but crocodile's have v shaped mouth, crocodile's live in saltwater but alligators are like "yeet my self im out" so here is a link to the info i got

Thursday, 2 July 2020

cuz translations

mostly real breakfast.... at my school????????

What a start of a day I had no breakfast I went to school with breakfast and what do I see a whole lot of food, I knew there was going to be food because we were having matariki breakfast there was bacon, bread, pancakes, cupcakes and I almost forgot we also had fruit oh and before I forget it was my friends birthday his name is baxter please visit his blog here